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5 Ways Blockchain Impacts the Education Industry

Over a decade ago, the blockchain concept was yet to revolutionize our world. Most individuals need to be aware of the definition. However, in our modern day, we are bound to stumble upon the word as it is an integral part of various sectors. But what exactly is blockchain? You can think of it as a more complicated and secure database that stores data electronically in digital components. It is a system of decentralized storage for various transactions.

The structure of a blockchain consists of blocks of information. Recently, it became part of transforming cryptocurrency transactions, such as Bitcoin. But how is it employed? First, the most widely known one the cryptocurrencies. Due to its high security, it is part of healthcare and general documentation for any industry. However, when education started shifting to online platforms, blockchain emerged. Below are the top five ways in which it impacts the education industry.

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How Students Can Benefit from Blockchain Applications

How Blockchain impacts the education imdustry

As a student, have you ever faced an issue with losing your homework or having to print it out for submission? Blockchain eliminates this issue. All the information is secure against fraud and suspicious activity. But with the transition online, learning becomes more challenging. That is due to individuals facing more distractions. That is why college studentspay for homework, allowing them to utilize the high-quality assistance they need. That said, a blockchain is a digital form of protecting data. That is why many institutes are shifting their education to online platforms.

Universities might only partially transfer it. Yet, most schools now have online submissions instead of face-to-face ones. Blockchain integration allows students and teachers to access old records. One can keep track of activity and progress and reduce the risk of identity theft. Institutes can provide free material through public databases. In a gist, blockchain is supposed to make processes easier for students and professors. It opens countless opportunities, such as shifting more assignments to online platforms.

As a student, blockchain enabled you to access all documents across your years at an institute. This means that previous course materials and your achievements are accessible. They are tamper-proof. Also, working on assignments becomes simpler. There are also various websites to help with homework, which everyone should use to facilitate the ease of assignment solving. As blockchain is becoming a prominent part of education, so are the available resources. Below, we discuss the five significant impacts of blockchain on education.

The Impact of Blockchain on the Education Industry

The blockchain-based ledger technologies contain various applications and benefits for students and teachers. It assists institutes with their record keeping and overseeing activity and progress. Below are the top five ways blockchain affects the education industry.

1. Digital Diplomas & Certificates

Sending out copies of your college diploma to potential employers presents a hassle to many. Not only are you required to request it from the college, but you must guarantee authentication. It also is a hassle to send it out to companies. Blockchain eliminates this issue. MIT is one of the first universities to initiate the movement of using virtual credentials. All institutes that offer online diploma access have a wallet. This is where students get a tamper-proof and verifiable copy of their diploma.

2. Monitoring Research

Pursuing higher education is a guarantee to having an excess amount of research. Any academia understands the importance of collaboration and publishing research. However, since it must be original, many individuals are worried about piracy issues. Researchers can publish papers, track citations, and seek grants.

3. Assists Professors with Curriculum

Instructors struggle with maintaining the sheer number of students and their homework assignments. A blockchain is an excellent tool for progressive learning, eliminating the hassle. One example is a smart contract, which is various lines of code that execute only when specific criteria are met. Hence, a professor can create an exam through blockchain. Students can complete it only when tasks are completed.

4. Potential Incentive for Students

Remember the traditional smiley face on an exam or the occasional sticker you get on your paper? Well, at a younger age, we perceived it as quite an accomplishment. However, once one is in university, such incentives become meaningless. That is why blockchain has the power to revolutionize incentivization for students. Professors can reward excellent performance with cryptocurrencies. However, institutes should provide enough awareness and education. That way, students refrain from trading the currency for a lower price.

5. Lower Student Costs

The tuition fees will only differ significantly if all education becomes online. However, blockchain will lower the overall costs. Using the ledger enables institutes to provide free resources through the public domain. That includes movies, books, and papers. Moreover, as assignments and exams can shift online, students will save transportation fees as they can perform the task from any internet access point.

Final Thoughts

Blockchain in education is yet to be a significant part of our lives. Yet, we have already witnessed various institutes incorporating it into their online resources. Some include smart contracts, incentives for students, and verifying identities to ensure secure transactions and access.

While many seem reluctant to embrace this technology fully, everyone is optimistic. Most people initially reject the idea of technological advancement. That occurred with the internet and online learning. While blockchain for education is yet to formulate fully, it has the potential to revolutionize the industry.

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