

Not Available

Prices are in USD.

Market Data For Aave

Current Price $97.43
Market Cap $1,259,444,736
Market Cap Rank #77
Total Volume $106,332,104
High 24H $85.28
Low 24H $79.34
Price Change 24H 5.29%
Price Change Percentage 24H 6.62%
Market Cap Change 24H $73,061,520.00
Market Cap Change Percentage 24H 6.16%
Circulating Supply 14,811,140 aave
Total Supply 16,000,000
All Time High $661.69 -87.13%
May 18, 2021
All Time Low $26.02
November 5, 2020 -

Faithful Anichukwu 3 months ago "Hello Guys"

Kenyon Gray 4 months ago "hellodd"

Kenyon Gray 4 months ago "hello"

Balik Sadik 4 months ago "hello"

Godsgift 5 months ago "Hi, Why is the Bitcoin price surging, Is it because of the ETF Approval or the highly anticipated bitcoin halving that would happen later this year?"

Amina Abubakar 6 months ago "Hello"