Monero (XMR)




Block Time:

Block Reward:

Block Reward24:

Last Block:



Network Hashrate:

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Exhcange Rate Vol:

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BTC Revenue:

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2.43 GH/s

162.89 USD

163.89 USD

3,011,308.53 USD






Prices are in USD.

Market Data For Monero (XMR)

Current Price $162.64
Market Cap $2,258,302,464
Market Cap Rank #53
Total Volume $48,397,128
High 24H $125.76
Low 24H $118.88
Price Change 24H 5.10%
Price Change Percentage 24H 4.28%
Market Cap Change 24H $92,411,176.00
Market Cap Change Percentage 24H 4.27%
Circulating Supply 18,147,820 xmr
Total Supply 0
All Time High $542.33 -77.03%
January 9, 2018
All Time Low $0.22
January 14, 2015 -

Mining Pools For Monero (XMR)

Pool Location Fee Rating
OKEx Pool All-in-one Mining Pool | Reviews & Features China FPPS 4% PPS+2% PPS 2% 2
ViaBTC Professional Mining Pool | Reviews & Features ASIA, EUROPE, AMERICA PPS+ 4% PPLNS 2% 3
Minergate Smart Mining Pool | Reviews & Features AMERICA PPS 1.5% PPLNS 1% 3
Hashcity multi-currency Mining Pool | Reviews & Features EUROPE PPS 1% 2
F2POOL Mining Pool | Reviews & Features ASIA,USA,AMERICA 4% PPS 2
PROHASHING Mining pool | Reviews & Features Germany 2.65% PPS,PPLNS 2
Coinfoundry Germany, Dallas, Singapore 0.30% PPLNS 2
XMRPOOL.EU Mining Pool | Reviews & Features EUROPE 0.5% PROP 2
Monerohash Mining Pool | Reviews & Features USA,AMERICA 1.6% PROP 2

Calculator For Monero (XMR)

Calculated for
1 = $
Profit per day
Pool Fee $-
Power cost/Day
Profit per week
Pool Fee $-
Power cost/Week
Profit per month
Pool Fee $-
Power cost/Month
Profit per year
Pool Fee $-
Power cost/Year

Crypto currency to Fiat Currency Converter

= - USD

About Monero (XMR)

Monero Coin Review: Mining Guide, Price & Analysis of Monero Cryptocurrency

Monero is a digital currency that was released in the market in April 2014. The coin is secure, private, and fast. Moreover, this token also observes anonymity. Therefore, nobody can trace your transaction activities or balance. The sign of this currency is XMR.

Additionally, the currency is fully decentralized. The platform is transparent and publishes the developers meeting logs online. Therefore, anybody can see what is happening. The emission of Monero is infinite and safe.

The currency's primary focus is privacy; so far, the developers have done an excellent job. The coin has two direct emissions. The first one will end in May 2020, which is the main curve. It has 18.132 million coins. Once the first emission is done, the tail curve will kick in.

How Does Monero Work?

It is not all cryptocurrencies that offer privacy and anonymity to their clients. Some digital currencies enable the public to view all transactions. On the other hand, some cryptos make privacy optional to clients. Monero is one of the tokens that have strict privacy measures.

XRM was developed using CryptoNote technology. It ensures privacy is upheld and groups public keys together. The currency was formerly known as Bitmonero. They shortened the name to Esperanto (Monero), which means a coin.

Monero Coin Review, Monero Platform

Monero is a popular coin in the market. What makes it unique is its privacy-oriented features. The token is developed using blockchain technology. The developers of the currency did not save any stake for themselves. Instead, the funds are kept for community support and contributions to the future of the Monero.

Can Investors Mine Monero Currency?

Yes, the Monero coin is among the easiest token to mine. The proof of Work (POW) regulates the incentive and issuance of the currency. However, it is hard to buy a considerable amount of mining power. The development decision of this currency depends on the public. The token uses egalitarian concept meaning ‘all people are equal and deserve equal opportunities’


Its community members designed the algorithm which this currency uses. Monero uses ASIC-resistant, RandomX, and CPU friendly Proof of Work. Hence, investors can also mine the token using their computers. Miners are getting rewards for their activities after joining the mining pools. The currency runs on Linux, OS, Android, Windows, macOS, and FreeBSD.

Additionally, the algorithm makes hardware mining unfeasible. The platform creates a new block every two minutes. The entity maintains dynamic scalability by creating an active block size and block penalty reward. The currency does not have a maximum block size.

The Developers Team

Monero was developed by cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The token is maintained by the decentralized developer community. The people behind XRM are anonymous, and nobody knows their whereabouts.

The main developer pseudonym is Riccardo Spagni and David Latapie.  The token is accused of condoning fraud because it observes the privacy of users. Seven developers forked the Bytecoin blockchain. Monero was a fork of Bytecoin. A Bitcointalk forum ignited users to design this incredible coin.

The developers are dedicated to continuously rebranding the currency. The coin is updated after every six months. The transaction history of the Monero coin is discrete. The token is fungible, and transaction history does not affect the future value of the coin.

The Privacy and Security of Monero

Monero Coin is a transparent and secure altcoin in the market. Miners of this token are granted the full block rewards without any compromisation.

The company takes its clients' privacy very seriously. Some believe that the coin can be used for illegal purposes. However, you cannot fail to admire the excellent feature of this token. Clients can confidently trust Monero. One of the favorite features of this coin is that all transactions are cryptographically encrypted.

Monero Review, Monero Security

Monero uses stealth address and ring signature to eliminate privacy concerns. Users hide their identity using the ring signature. It is an anonymous digital signature that conceals the identity of one member of a group.

The platform does not disclose the member who authorizes a transaction. Monero combines a public key and a user's account access on blockchain to create the ring signature. Additionally, the company uses a stealth address to strengthen its privacy.

They generate a random address that is used for a single transaction. The receiver and sender's address is hidden from the public. Moreover, the amount being transacted is also undisclosed, all thanks to the RingCT (Ring Confidential Transaction) feature.

Our Take on Monero Currency

There are several advantages of using the Monero coin. The main benefit that you can get from this platform is privacy. The authority, family, or friends cannot trace down the transaction. Through mass adoption of cryptocurrencies, the centralization of a traditional form of payment will cease to exist.

Monero is among the leading cryptocurrencies in the market. The developers are dedicated to maintaining privacy. The coin is reputable for being reliable; unlike BTC, the anonymity of users is observed. One of the best features of Monero is that miners can use computer to mine the token through its feasibility.

Unfortunately, Monero can also be abused. XRM is used for illegal purposes to hide the identity of drug lords and money laundering activities. Nonetheless, users can use the coin to purchase goods and services online. Additionally, investors can trade other altcoins in the market using Monero.

The fungibility feature of Monero enables every coin to have equal value. Another can replace every unit of a coin. Unlike BTC, Monero currency cannot be shunned out.  Exchanges and Merchants cannot distinguish one XRM from one another. Multiple users have adopted the token since it made its first digital footprint.


  • High Privacy
  • Transparency
  • Secure     
  • Fungible   
  • Reliable  
  • Universal and an open-source currency 
  • Long term block reward not less than 0.3 XRM 



  • It can be used for illegal purposes. 

  • Face competition from other altcoins like Zcash.


How to Buy Monero

Finally, if you think this is the coin for you, then proceed and buy it. The Monero coin can be purchased on various exchanges in the market. These include places like Kraken, Bitfinex, Poloniex, Coinmama, Gemini, among others.

Users can buy Monero currency either by using cryptos or fiat currencies. Additionally, XRM can also be sold at a convenient time, translating to profits. You can store your funds in an offline wallet or an exchange.

The platform has its wallet with information on how to acquire the token immediately. The currency has low fees. Additionally, the token is universally acceptable. Buy or sell this unique popular crypto in the market.  The government does not control cryptocurrencies. The only thing that you need to have is an electronic device and internet connection.

Final Verdict

Monero coin creates pseudo names to hide the address and identity of users. Furthermore, the currency is also fungible. The token cannot ensure privacy is maintained. Therefore, the transaction data is not accessible to the public.

We believe in Monero as it has continued to advance in time. The token has attracted great attention from our researchers and crypto fanatics in the market. XRM reward will never go below 0.3.

Therefore, this is a disinflationary currency that will always reward miners despite the market condition. Monero block is secure, and despite the fee charges, you can earn. However, like all other cryptos, XRM is volatile. Nonetheless, it is among the best token in the industry.


What People Are Saying About Monero (XMR)

Faithful Anichukwu 3 months ago "Hello Guys"

Kenyon Gray 4 months ago "hellodd"

Kenyon Gray 4 months ago "hello"

Balik Sadik 4 months ago "hello"

Godsgift 5 months ago "Hi, Why is the Bitcoin price surging, Is it because of the ETF Approval or the highly anticipated bitcoin halving that would happen later this year?"

Amina Abubakar 6 months ago "Hello"