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Market Data For Cosmos

Current Price $6.19
Market Cap $3,397,184,768
Market Cap Rank #30
Total Volume $262,951,488
High 24H $9.00
Low 24H $8.12
Price Change 24H 0.46%
Price Change Percentage 24H 5.52%
Market Cap Change 24H $172,133,792.00
Market Cap Change Percentage 24H 5.34%
Circulating Supply 390,688,384 atom
Total Supply 390,930,048
All Time High $44.45 -80.44%
January 17, 2022
All Time Low $1.16
March 13, 2020 -

About Cosmos

Cosmos Coin Review: Mining Guide, Price & Analysis of Cosmos Cryptocurrency

Cosmos prides itself for being an Internet of blockchains. This is because it solves one of the blockchains’ prevailing problems, interoperability. Cosmos makes it possible for blockchains to interact. There are a few blockchain projects doing this.
However, to be successful, a project like this has to be versatile. It must support a high level of scalability. Moreover, it should support a wide range of cryptocurrencies. Cosmos is doing just this.

Cosmos Review, Cosmos Company

Interoperability opens the door to many merchants and enterprises. Businesses can finally collaborate even if they are on different blockchains. This provides a lot of economic incentives. Moreover, developers can build decentralized apps that have no limits.
Scalability is an essential aspect of Cosmos. Hosting transactions between many blockchains requires high capacity. Therefore, scalability gives investors peace of mind. They can transact without the worry of the blockchain collapsing.
This is the next generation of blockchains. Interoperability opens the blockchain technology to many possibilities.

How Cosmos Works

The Cosmos blockchain takes a three-layered approach. The three main layers of Cosmos include the Tendermint Core, the Application Blockchain Interface and the Cosmos SDK. These layers work together to power the functioning of Cosmos.

The Tendermint layer consists of two main aspects. It consists of a blockchain consensus engine and a generic application interface. The consensus engine ensures that nodes record the same transactions and in the same order. The application interface allows the processing of transactions in all programming languages. These two aspects enable developers to build quickly using their own rules.

Cosmos Review, Cosmos Company

The next layer provides inter-blockchain communication protocols. These protocols make it possible for blockchains to transact with each other. Moreover, Cosmos groups blockchains together into zones. Each zone only needs to establish a connection with the Cosmos hub. This allows the transfer of tokens across blockchains. The process is fast and secure.
This approach is groundbreaking. It allows Cosmos to have scalability. This means that Cosmos has the capacity to handle transactions from many blockchains.

Can Investors Mine Cosmos Coins?

No, investors cannot mine the Cosmos token Atom. You can obtain the coin by buying or by staking your coins as a validator. Additionally, you can delegate your staking to a validator. You then earn tokens passively rather than mining. Let’s look at how staking works.

Staking of Atom Tokens

The staking process uses the Proof of Stake model as it is based on Ethereum. Staking your Atom coins is very easy. You first need an Atomic wallet. The Wallet includes a stake button on the left-hand side. The wallet gives you a list of cryptocurrencies you can stake. Then, you select the Atom tokens and move to the next step.

The wallet will then send you to a page where you can see how many atoms you have available to stake. Additionally, you will see the yearly yield. You can press the stake button to enter the next page. The next thing to do is select the amount of Atom tokens you want to stake. You then press the stake button to complete the process.

This is a simple process. However, many cryptocurrency enthusiasts like to have the option to mine a coin. This puts a dumb on the case for Cosmos. Moreover, it means that Atom coins have a centralized supply point. This defeats the whole idea of blockchains.
However, this does not seem to be a problem at the moment. Cosmos is seeing a lot of success in the cryptocurrency space. It ranks 27th in market cap share. This is very impressive. The competitors sit well outside the 100th rank.

The Team behind Cosmos

One of the reasons why Cosmos sees a lot of success is because it has a brilliant team. The Chief Architect and Founder of Cosmos are Jae Kwon. Beside him is the CEO and President of Cosmos Peng Zhong. Further, other team members fill more positions in the team.
This forms an impressive team. The members have vast experience in a range of areas, including blockchain technology and finance. Hence, it is safe to say that Cosmos is in safe hands. Moreover, the project has backing and support from many partners.

Users of Cosmos can be sure of future developments of this project. The development team keeps users up to date with all the news. They do this through various channels. They are very active on social media.
have a blog where they post future development plans. They are also active on Twitter and have a Telegram channel. Their Telegram channel has over 10,000 members.

Privacy and Security

The Cosmos team boast of the security of the Cosmos blockchain, and rightfully so. Cosmos is a very secure system. The developers show commitment to keeping their clients secure. Hence, there are several security measures put in place.

First, Cosmos is a network of decentralized nodes. The nodes work together to keep the network secure. Moreover, they help each other recover in the case of an attack. Moreover, the network uses the Tendermint BFT algorithm to keep the nodes at a consensus.  Not only that, Tendermint BFT has security features. It offers protection from attacks like long-range nothing at stake, double spends and censorship.
This is one of the most secure networks that exist. That is why Cosmos is seeing a lot of success. Investors and enthusiasts have full trust in the system. The network is formidable against attacks. Moreover, there is no censorship on Cosmos.

Our Take on Cosmos

Cosmos is a blockchain project that is seeing a lot of success. This is because it is revolutionary. It provides both blockchain interoperability and scalability. This puts it at the top of the mountain of third-generation blockchains.
The ability to transact a high volume of transactions makes Cosmos very desirable. Moreover, transactions on this network are very secure and involve no censorship. In turn, the Cosmos Atom coins see a lot of success in the marketplaces. This is because users use the Atom coins to pay for transaction fees. This opens up the atom coins to more use cases.


  • The platform offers interoperability between blockchains.
  • It comes with the ability to scale.
  • Secure and fast transactions.


  • Atom coins are not mineable.
  • Centralized coin supply.

How to buy Atom Tokens

It is beyond doubt that Atom tokens are a great asset to have on a portfolio. The tokens are seeing immense success. As it stands, Atom ranks 27th in market cap share. Luckily, there are a lot of exchanges that support the trade of Atom tokens. Some of the best exchanges to use include Bitfinex, Binance, Huobi Global,Poloniex and Dsdaq.

There many wallets that support Atom. Some of the best include Nano Ledger X, Lunie, Lunagram and Cosmostation. Atom tokens are showing a steady rise in price. It is a great coin to hold and sell later. The 24-hour trading volume stands at $135,466,501. Additionally, the market cap stands at $1,073,740,894.

Final Verdict

The Cosmos blockchain is unique and has a lot of functionalities. It allows for interoperability between blockchains making it very versatile. As such, its native coin Atom is seeing a lot of success in the markets. Therefore, this is a great coin to have in your portfolio. Moreover, the trading history shows the coin is highly sellable.

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Kenyon Gray 4 months ago "hellodd"

Kenyon Gray 4 months ago "hello"

Balik Sadik 4 months ago "hello"

Godsgift 5 months ago "Hi, Why is the Bitcoin price surging, Is it because of the ETF Approval or the highly anticipated bitcoin halving that would happen later this year?"

Amina Abubakar 6 months ago "Hello"