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Current Price $4.10
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Travala Coin Review: Mining Guide, Price & Analysis of Travala Cryptocurrency.

We are continuing to see more and more penetration of blockchain technology in traditional sectors. brings us the next generation of travel agencies. It allows users to book hotels using cryptocurrencies. This makes it cheaper for travelers. There is no central institution to process transactions. Consequently, there are no hefty fees.

Moreover, cryptocurrency transfers are instant. Therefore, users can enjoy a fast booking process. Travala’s goal is to bring all these advantages of blockchain to travel booking. To do this, they seek to trigger the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.

As it stands, they see great success in this. Travala boasts over 150,000 monthly users. Additionally, they have over 90,000 travel destinations. There are many destinations for users to choose from. Moreover, the team is working on adding more destinations.

Further, Travala supports over 30 payment options. But to enjoy the best discounts, you can use the AVA token. This is Travala’s native coin. It powers all the operations on the blockchain.


How Travala Works

Travala aims to make its platform frictionless and user friendly. For this, they ensure to use modern programming languages to make the platform versatile. Travala uses modern Javascript written in Angular JS with This provides the platform with streamlining and real-time operation.

Travala review

Additionally, the platform’s code is in Python, Node JS, and Java. These form the blockchain’s microservices architecture. These also enable Travala to isolate services and have easy scaling. This ensures the platform operates optimally even under heavy loads.

Further, AWS cloud hosting allows the platform to scale horizontally. Additionally, AWS adds a level of security to the platform. Cloudflare CDN and Firewall also play a role in maintaining the security of Travala. They provide edge optimization services and the prevention of DDOS attacks.

To ensure users have convenience, Travala delivers services on several different form factors. They have a web application and mobile applications. Further, they provide users with a digital wallet to manage their assets.


Can Investors Mine Travala Coins?

No, it is not possible to mine Travala coins. The developers of Travala pre-mined the total supply of AVA coins during its inception. However, users can enjoy rewards and different perks by holding their AVA tokens into a smart tier program.

There are five smart program levels. All these have different perks depending on the number of coins held. Smart Level 1 requires users to lock up 500 AVA coins. This level gives users a 1% discount from bookings made on the platform. Additionally, they receive 2% loyalty rewards for bookings made on the platform.

Travala review

The discount percentage goes up one percentage as you up the levels. Additionally, all users receive a 3% discount when making payments using AVA coins. The highest Smart Level requires users to lock a minimum of 5000 AVA coins.


The Team behind Travala

Travala is a product of seasoned travel, fintech, and blockchain experts. The CEO of Travala is Juan Otero. He has over 15 years of experience in tech entrepreneurship and innovation advocacy. He previously worked at Oracle and is a leading online hotel booking platform. Therefore, Juan has the experience needed to spearhead this project into the future.

By his side is Matt Luczynski. He is the founder and CSO of Travala. Matt does not have much experience in any sector. However, his dedication speaks for itself. He founded Travala at the age of 22 years old. He is a young man with great potential.

Additionally, the team includes Steven Hipwell. Steven is a co-founder and the Chief of Operations at Travala. He has over ten years’ experience in the online travel space.

It is clear that Travala is in the hands of professionals with enough experience. Users can enjoy the services without worrying about the platform failing.


AVA Token

The AVA token is the native cryptocurrency on the Travala ecosystem. It powers the operations of Travala. Moreover, holders of this coin get to enjoy perks on the Travala platform. Holders get to enjoy discounts when paying with AVA coins on Travala. Additionally, they receive smart loyalty rewards and bonuses.

To ensure the value of AVA stays high, the developers have a buyback and burn policy. Travala plans to burn a total of 21,571,086 AVA coins. This is 35% of the total pre-mine supply. The remaining supply will be 40,000,000. To achieve this, Travala buys back coins each quarter and burns them. The amount they repurchase depends on Travala’s booking activity.


Privacy and Security

Travala takes the security of users very seriously. Cloudflare CDN and a Firewall prevents any DDoS attacks. Moreover, the platform has great scalability due to the use of Python, Node JS, and Java coding languages. These features ensure that the platform never goes down due to heavy load.

Additionally, Travala uses AWS cloud hosting services. This comes with an added layer of security. Moreover, Travala is a blockchain project. This means that it consists of distributed nodes. Therefore, there is no central database to attack. Further, the nodes work together to maintain a consensus in the network. They work together to help each other recover from successful attacks.

Further, Travala ensures user information remains protected from unauthorized individuals. The platform does not collect any personally identifiable information. Moreover, it uses encryption and cryptography to obstruct information on the network.


Our Take on Travala

Travala represents the new age of travel booking. The prospects of a decentralized travel booking platform are very appealing. This is a way to get rid of central institutions that are corrupt and biased. Moreover, users will no longer have to pay hefty fees when booking hotels.

Additionally, blockchain technology comes with security benefits. Users do not have to worry about their information and assets getting stolen. This platform is secure and fast. Many people see the need for such a platform. Consequently, it sees moderate success in the markets.



  • The platform offers a decentralized travel booking platform.
  • It involves cheap transaction fees.
  • It is fast and secure.


  • The platform faces heavy competition from better-established central institutions.


How to Buy AVA Coins

This coin has great perks. If you like what it has to offer, then go ahead and buy it. You can purchase Ava coins from several exchanges. These include Bitfinex, HitBTC, Hoo, and MXC.COM. The price of one AVA coin currently stands at $0.799980.

This coin has a 24-hour trading volume of $1,015,935. Additionally, it has a market cap of $33,511,466. This places it at rank 199 in market cap share. Hence, you may want to hold the coins and sell them at a later date. You can safely store your AVA coins in Travala’s proprietary wallet.


Final Verdict

Travala is a revolutionary platform seeking to disrupt the hotel booking sector. It has a great value proposition behind it. It offers users a decentralized platform to book hotels. This comes with great economic and social incentives. It is easy to see cryptocurrency enthusiasts get behind this project.

As it stands, the AVA coin is holding its value in the market. However, it is still impossible to tell where it will end up in the future. It faces a lot of competition from better-funded and better established central institutions.


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