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Market Data For Hyperion

Current Price $0.13
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Total Volume -
High 24H -
Low 24H -
Price Change 24H -
Price Change Percentage 24H -
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Market Cap Change Percentage 24H -
Circulating Supply -
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All Time High -
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About Hyperion

Hyperion Review: Mining Guide, Price & Analysis of the Hyperion Cryptocurrency

Hyperion is a blockchain project that decentralizes map services. This network seeks to solve common problems with traditional maps. It provides a map system that is pervasive, accurate, and privacy-preserved.

Traditional maps do not have this. They are incomplete, inaccurate, and outdated. Additionally, they have limited transparency. Central institutions currently own the map systems and the data on these systems. They go ahead and harvest user data at a very high rate.


With Hyperion, users do not have to worry about any data collection. This system is privacy-oriented, and users have full control. In short, this blockchain gives people an autonomous digital location system.

Currently, the biggest competitors to Hyperion are centralized institutions. These include Google and Apple. Such institutions are better-funded and better-established. They offer stiff competition because they can promote their product.

However, Hyperion has a great value proposition behind it. It comes with great social benefits. It frees users from the hands of greedy institutions.


How Hyperion Operates

Hyperion has three main layers that power operations. These include the protocol layer, the service layer, and the ecosystem layer. The protocol layer carries MapChain, smart contracts, and distributed storage.

MapChain is the mainchain of this network. It allows for cross-chain communication for interoperability. Additionally, the MapChain hosts the Spatial Consensus Protocol. On the other hand, smart contracts power the extensibility of the blockchain.

The service layer contains the map services integrated into the MapChain. It contains the dMapper, dMap, and the Hyperion Marketplace. dMapper is the map production service and dMap is the map service on this network. Further, Hyperion Marketplace is the location data intelligence platform.

Finally, we have an ecosystem layer. This layer hosts location-based services. This may include location-based social networking, advertisement, and gaming.

These three layers work together to allow the blockchain to provide its services. It provides the Map3 platform as a service. The One map Compute technology powers this platform. This allows users to create and use map layers with customized policies. It is highly scalable with high performance. Additionally, it allows users to smoothly migrate from other map services.


Can Investors Mine on Hyperion

No, it is not possible to mine on this network. This is because it uses both the Byzantine Fault Tolerance and the delegated Proof of Stake consensus. The two consensus methods do not support mining.


However, the network supports staking. Here, a few delegated nodes validate transactions. To become a delegated node, you have to prove that you have a stake in the network. Once elected, delegated nodes produce the next blocks on this blockchain.

The DPoS is a very energy-efficient consensus mechanism. It does not require high computational power to maintain. That is why the developers chose it. It greatly helps the network operate efficiently. Additionally, it has great security features. It is immune to some attacks that face Proof of Work blockchains.

On the other hand, the BFT consensus allows the network to be flexible. Nodes can reach a consensus as long as the majority of them agree. There is no need for all the nodes to agree.


The People behind Hyperion

Hyperion has a great team of developers behind it. The leadership of the project is in the hands of three individuals. These include Kai Law, Dr. Isaac Zhang, and Zou Guangxian. These three are the founders of this blockchain.

Kai law serves as both the CEO and CMO of the organization. He has great experience in leading tech companies. Previously, Kai served as the COO of Liuxuebao. Additionally, he has two master’s degrees in field management and media and culture.

By his side is Zou Guangxian. He is the CTO of the company. He has immense experience in technology and especially distributed systems. Previously, Zou worked as the CTO of AiPai. Additionally, he holds a master’s degree in electromagnetics and microwave technology.

Finally, the final co-founder serves as the chief architect of the project. Isaac Zhang has great experience in the design, development, and deployment of systems. He is the current CTO of Maxpus, a world-leading decentralized indoor mapping platform.


HYN Token Statistics

HYN tokens do not have great adoption in the markets. Less than one perfect of the tokens is in circulation. The total circulating supply of this cryptocurrency is 208,078,732 HYN. That is from a total supply of 10,000,000,000.

This is very low. Moreover, the coin does not have great liquidity. Its 24-hour trading volume stands at $80,043 at the time of writing this. Additionally, this is falling with time.


Privacy and Security

Hyperion has excellent privacy features. On its map systems, data is not collected by any central institution. Users operate in full secrecy. To achieve this, the network uses the Zero-Knowledge Location Proof Algorithm. This allows the network to prove a person’s location without necessarily knowing the location.

Additionally, it uses cryptographic algorithms to support map data encryption. This ensures that map systems are censorship-resistant. Additionally, it adds a layer of security to the network.

In terms of security, Hyperion is world-class. It is a distributed system. This means that there is no central database to attack. The nodes in the blockchain contribute storage for the network. Additionally, they contribute computational power to help protect the system.

Further, the DPoS adds a security feature to the network. This consensus is resistant to 51% attacks and double-spending. Additionally, it is immune to Sybil attacks. This is because validators of the network have a stake in it.


Our Take on Hyperion

This project has a great mission behind it. It decentralizes map services. As a result, it gives users control over their data. There are no central institutions to collect user data for commercial purposes. Further, it allows users to participate in updating maps. This allows map services to always be up to date.

However, this network does not have a lot of users. It is struggling to compete with centralized applications in the market.



  • Up to date maps.
  • Hyperion promotes privacy.
  • It is highly scalable.
  • It provides highly accurate map services.



  • Low adoption rate.


How to Buy and Store HYN Tokens

If you like what Hyperion has to offer, then you can buy its tokens. There are a few exchanges that support its trading. These include Poloniex, BiKi, Bilaxy, and Hotbit. The current price of one HYN token stands at $0.291149.

You can easily store your token once you buy them. You can use the proprietary Titan Wallet from Hyperion. It is secure and easy to use. Additionally, you can use any ERC-20 supported wallet. These include Ledger, Trezor, MyEtherWallet, and MetaMask.


Final Verdict

There is no denying the benefits of Hyperion. Map services need decentralization to allow users to enjoy full functionality. It frees users from central institutions only looking to collect their data. Additionally, it allows users to participate in updating map systems.

As an investment, this cryptocurrency is still a gamble. It faces stiff competition from centralized institutions. Such institutions have better funding and are better-established. Therefore, this hurts its adoption.

Moreover, Hyperion serves a very small niche. Some developers will choose to launch their map applications on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows developers to launch any kind of decentralized applications.

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