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Prices are in USD.

Market Data For Aragon

Current Price $9.37
Market Cap $303,680,896
Market Cap Rank #224
Total Volume $6,450,544
High 24H $7.63
Low 24H $7.29
Price Change 24H 0.27%
Price Change Percentage 24H 3.76%
Market Cap Change 24H $10,432,886.00
Market Cap Change Percentage 24H 3.56%
Circulating Supply 40,039,312 ant
Total Supply 43,179,656
All Time High $14.64 -48.18%
April 6, 2021
All Time Low $0.30
November 27, 2018 -

About Aragon

Aragon Coin Review: Mining Guide, Price & Analysis of Aragon Cryptocurrency

Aragon is a crypto asset on the digital ledger of ethereum that permits investors to come up with devolved independent firms. The firm's characteristics are mainly similar to those of centralized corporations. These features are; remunerations, tallying, moving of tokens, financing and many others.

Aragon Review, Aragon Company

The Aragon Association ensures all brokers are eliminated, making it convenient and favourable. The shareholders of Aragon token have rights to vote on decisions made. The owners of the tokens manage the network.

Aragons' Support Team

The team has 12 individuals. Luis, the program lead is a great manager due to his experience, as shown in his work with Microsoft and Telefonica. Jorge is the Tech head, as evidenced by his scholarship by Apple at a young age. All the other team members are elite persons in the crypto world.

How to Buy the Coin? 

There are 12 confirmed platforms where one can mine the Aragon tokens. The platforms include but not limited to, Livecoin and Upbitwhich, which trades against BTC, ETH, Waves, etc. Additionally, investors can purchase Aragon in fiat money in USD and KRW.

The platform has a support system named CoinSwitch that compares the prices of individual coins for investors. CoinSwitch allows people to do all dealings through private wallets. This makes the mining process easy.

Aragon Tokens and Their Performance in the Market.

The three types of Aragon tokens are ANT, ANJ and ARA. The ANT token is the main because it is at the centre of governance. The available number of tokens in supply is 39.6 M. The sharing of the tokens was as follows. The ICO bought 70% of the reserve, the Aragon Association bought 15%, and the promoters of the platform retained the remaining 15%. The value of one Aragon was $1.86 in 2018.

Why Should Investors Venture in Aragon?

The company has great investment plans that make it a good investment. The trust levels that people have given Aragon is too much to The confidence in Aragon as evidenced by the25 Million Dollars that ere contributed during the token sale.

Many DAOs are also seeing it a good venture and thus joining Aragon. The number has therefore risen from 150 to 750 in just a few months. As there are more people to join the Aragon network, the journey has just begun, and the platform will yield high returns in future.

Can Investors Mine The Aragon Coin?

Every investor's goal is to invest in a coin that can actually be mined and therefore yield returns. The platform too has this feature hence a good investment plan for investors.

Aragon can be mined indirectly through trading on other exchanges. Other exchanges might include the fiat currencies like the dollar, euro, Canadian dollar, etc. and also the cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and many others. The cryptos and the fiat currencies, when traded with on other exchanges, can later be exchanged for the Aragon coin.

How Can Investors Buy Tokens? 

Aragon tokens are essential to would be token-holders of the Aragon Network. The tokens are the determiners of an investor's decision capability in the management of the network. Buying Aragon tokens only requires a few steps.

Potential investors should first buy a wallet to act as storage space for coins bought, i.e. Myetherwallet, which is a convenient cryptographic ledger. The wallet, i.e. Myetherwallet, will then provide an address which is important in buying different coins. Secondly, the investor should buy ethereum on digital exchanges like Bitfinex either in fiat currency or via credit card.

Finally, the investor can use exchanges available for conversion to change ethereum into Aragon tokens using the wallet address previously obtained in the second point.

How to Gain From Using Aragon?

Any activity that yields surplus value is worth investing. The use of Aragon can be in two specific techniques.

  1. People can invest in Aragon. Investing Aragon is done by buying it at a lower price and later selling it to gain profit.
  2. It can also help in operating a business. Business operations are possible through the availability of an automated administration network. Businesspersons can complete their businesses efficiently through the blockchain's ability.

Contact Details

It's only possible for people to have some questions about services offered on different platforms. Aragon Network understands this and has provided other communication channels to effect the same.

Aragon Review, Aragon Features

Anyone can reach the support team through their linked in profile and telegram at Members can also get to the team through other social media platforms like Youtube, Twitter and Facebook.

Completed Milestones

The company has many achievements in its years of operation. In March 2017, they launched the third volume of coin core and completed the token sale in May the same year. There was also a system called the AragonOS that was released later in October same year. In the start of 2018, the team launched the Aragon Nest and the audit of the smart contract was done.

Other achievements include; the platform Agent whose role is to grant permission to DAOs to interrelate with more apps on the ethereum platform. An example of an app to interrelate with on the ethereum platform would be DeFi, i.e. MarkerDAO. Aragon also launched a concordat named AraCred whose role was following the character of users and awarding native tokens to them in line with the concordat they connect with.

How is Aragon Administered?

Running the company network is different from running other coins. The coin operates based on being commanded by the token holders. The token holders are the trusted decision-makers of the platform. The only way to make decisions is through casting votes.

The community casts the votes after which the Aragon Foundation effects them. The weight of votes cast by each holder is dependent on the number of ANT tokens owned. The more the tokens held, the more the percentage of voting weight carried.

The winning team in voting must get to or past 51% to make a final decision. The company also owns smart contracts that have the power to unlatch money from the Aragon money exchange.

The Platform Price Breakdown.

Aragon stormed the market in May 2017 where the price of each token was $1.50. The price then was a downward move from the original ICO charge of $0.9. In Jan 2018, there was a market boom, and it shot up to $8.00. Around this time many cryptos went up by 100 times their ICO price. Users, therefore, did not expect Aragon to move by such a small margin.

In the last months of 2018, Aragon association introduced the venture court. After this, Tim Drapper, a venture capitalist, bought $1Million ANT tokens at $0.50 each. The price fluctuated to $0.40 each. Its performance was therefore not excellent, but it's coming up well. The performance will also be accelerated when the platform network gives full access to Aragon's token-holders network.


  • Aragon permits the holders to have a say on policies made.
  • Aragon makes it easy for non-tech gurus to come up with their firms and run them through the ethereum platform.
  • It is also advantageous since one can upgrade the system due to the additional features it has.


  • The price of the coin is volatile since y affected by the current demand.
  • It has proofed hard to track the progress of transactions on the platform.

Final Verdict 

The platform is an upcoming coin that has made major strides in its initial stages. It will do better in future. Its price has not stabilized to the best of other cryptos, but its network of investors is a reliable one. The coin has a lower price, and therefore it would be wise to buy it and sell it later at a higher value. Investing involves taking risks. Take the risk and invest. Don't forget to do your due diligence, though.

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Amina Abubakar 6 months ago "Hello"