Forex Investment Scams

NU2UTRADE Review: Avoid trading with

Saying NU2UTRADE is a scam is an understatement; the broker will steal even your personal information. And later use it to create a new persona; here’s our full review.

That’s what we have seen with this broker, and the results are shocking, with members left wondering how to recover funds.

We will first let you know that NU2UTRADE is a liquidity provider based in Russia. The broker puts on a show with no strict regulations to lure naïve investors.

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NU2UTRADE will take your funds and block access to the account. From there, you won’t get the chance to recover funds.

With complaints rising, we must expose the broker and the tactics used to fool some naïve investors.

And that goes to help the online trading community on how best to avoid such brokers.


NU2UTRADE Pros and Cons

It starts on the about us page where the broker posts a false license certificate. Most investors don’t bother confirming with regulators regarding these documents.

We also see other false information, including the claim the platform has over 37,000 active traders.

Other false narratives on the platform include over 300,000 open orders and $83 million in daily turnover.

And worse still, the broker claims to have over 15 years in the liquidity service field. The broker makes false claims with no solid way of backing them up.

As a trader, your first job should be to vet the seller and if they are offering legit services. That’s one of the ways to ensure the broker is genuine.

You can start by reaching out to the forex community and asking more about the broker. Then, an intelligent trader will weigh the pros and cons before moving forward.

There’s no reason to sign up with a broker simply because they have enticing features and giveaways.

These scammers know that most naïve traders will quickly sign up due to such promotional materials.

Some brokers offer high welcome deposits, while others provide insane commissions.

Avoid such brokers and ensure due diligence before signing up with unknown brokers.

Advantages and cons of NU2UTRADE

There are no advantages to dealing with such a broker. Even the website design should be a clue the broker is not professional.

You won’t see a professional broker who uses a black theme for their website. That’s far from the norm in the online trading world.

Navigating through the platform is also another issue we must help raise. Again, you only get a one-page platform that doesn’t give much about what the broker offers.

There’s no active member of the brokerage available on social media. In addition, the platform itself doesn’t have any functional social media handles.

We don’t know about the platform’s history and background. And that should be a red flag to traders.

Please avoid such platforms that fail to offer much accountability and transparency. For example, how can we know if they have the 15 years of experience they claim?

We have our ways, and domain records show the platform or website is barely a year old. And that throws away their claim of having over a decade in the business.

Here are some of the things to check in a broker. We will use as an example;

Accounts and plans nu2utrade

There are three account types to choose from: newbies, experienced, and expert traders.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these accounts


It’s the most basic account, with investors having to deposit a minimum of $150 to get started. The leverage set is 1:1 on cryptocurrency and 1:100 on other assets.

Members are to receive five daily signals with a sound standard financial plan on offer. Deposit insurance is out of the question for newbie traders.


There’s a minimum acceptable deposit of $1,000 for this account. Leverage remains the same for this account on all assets, including crypto.

All account holders get an instant execution model, with the experienced account holder receiving 15 daily signals.


It’s the most exclusive account, with investors having to deposit $10,000 with the platform.

Leverage remains the same, with members receiving unlimited daily signals. Members also get deposit insurance and protection.

Account features

We must not fail to mention the elephant in the room, and that’s deposit insurance for newbie traders.

Having your deposit insured by a broker is a right, not a privilege. Therefore, all traders must get deposit insurance.

Leverage is okay despite the broker failing to mention some aspects of trading on the platform.

These include how members enjoy spreads on the platform. We suspect the broker changes spreads depending on the market conditions.

Assets and Trading Instruments NU2UTRADE


NU2UTRADE offers three asset investments for users to use. These include CFDs, cryptocurrencies, and stocks.

You can break down the assets into five main categories, including energy and household products.

Some crypto assets include leading crypto coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. The broker pairs them against each other and major currencies.

Forex assets are in play here, with the broker only offering major and minor pairs. As a result, you won’t get to spread your risks with exotic pairs.

Indices found include those from Asia, America, and Europe. These are great places for day traders to earn.

Stocks happen to be one of the most traded goods. Therefore, we found stocks from leading companies, such as those from the aviation and tech industries.

Contact and support

That’s the last thing you will get from this broker, and there’s no live chat or direct means of communication.

The broker limits communication to written forms only. The broker doesn’t want to engage directly with would-be victims.

Deposit and Withdrawal methods NU2UTRADE

There are several depository methods available on the platform, these include bank and wire transfers. In addition, the broker also accepts crypto payments.

Withdrawing funds from the broker remains the biggest issue facing investors.

Our Verdict NU2UTRADE

Please avoid the broker.

PS: Use tested investment options that generate high ROI.

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