HASHCORE Mining review and profitability calculation estimate

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Hash Core Mining Company Review

Hash core mining is an innovative cryptocurrency mining company, established by a team of crypto mining experts. Hash core is a UK-based mining company with two mining farms in Romania. 

Hash core provides miners with the best cloud mining contract, mining equipment, hosting and colocating, and turkey mining farm solutions for comprehensive customers. 

Hash core is transparent with a user-friendly interface, which educates miners on how mining works with the complex nature of mining, like crypto mining difficulties, mining hardware cost, crypto exchange rate, mining hardware cost, the utility cost.

Hash core offers mining farm hosting of all kinds and hardware mining solutions to help miners invest scrupulously in mining cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin, Dash and other altcoins. 


19th October 2001. Hash core incorporated their wholesale company for computer hardware including GPUs, CPUs, Motherboards and Hard drive, which makes Hash core the leader for computer hardware and electronic product in the EU market, with an annual turnover of E18,000,000+. 

15th January 2015. Hash core started its first crypto trading and investment on platforms like BITFINEX, KRAKEN, and BITTREX. 

20th May 2017. Hash core company formed a new blockchain development team, to adapt and align with an ever-evolving ecosystem.

25th June 2017. The company built its first mining farm opening, with a new 2MW facility fully equipped and hosting colocation for businesses, individuals and Bucharest. 

 28th November 2017. Hash core started its worldwide partnership. They signed a partnership with three big companies in the USA, Japan and Russia, for hosting services of blockchain development services and thousands of miners.

20th January 2018. Hash core first mining farm returns on investment of 100% in less than seven months. 

25th May 2018. Hash core built a new mining farm, increasing capacity and offering more power space for old and new customers. The new farm has facilities of 15MW power available and 4000m2 space for ASIC and GPU miners. 

10th August 2018. Hash core provided an in-house development of new mining software for miners and mining companies to control GPU and ASIC miners with different settings.

28th February 2019. Hash core customized its mining contracts where customers can choose their miners, algo, coins, periods with real-time, and profitability calculation. 

5th May 2019. the company continues increasing capacity in the USA, offering a new site with 80MW power available and 20,000m2 space for ASIC miners. 

However, the Hash core cloud mining contract enables miners to mine the most profitable cryptocurrency with any equipment of their choice, and earnings payment every 24 hours directly to the user’s wallet. 

Also, the companies hosting /colocating services enables miners to send their miners for hosting. Hash core charges its hosting price per KWH and this includes full service with no hidden costs.

Hash core company has chosen the best partners and suppliers, to offer its users the best product and services with high quality, efficiency and warranty to enable customers to mine with peace of mind at all times. 

The Hash core mining goal is to provide users with easy and safe cryptocurrency mining and offering full services for mining, by selling the best mining hardware, unique mining contract, ASIC miners, pool linking, building and configuring GPU rig, hosting miners in a low-cost mining farm facilities and crypto coin advice.


  • It has no connection to your pool or wallet.

  • They have dedicated mining experts.

  • 24/7 system monitoring and maintenance.

  • It has a turnkey mining contract known as mine 860.

  • Provides high-end hosting service.

  • The companies facilities are highly secured.

  • They have enough ASIC and GPU miners available.

  • It has an easy-to-use interface.

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