PROHASHING Mining pool | Reviews & Features

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Prohashing Mining Pool Review

The Prohashing mining pool is a working cryptocurrency mining platform with a comprehensive variety of mining systems, enabling users to mine hundreds of coins.

Prohashing mining pool was found in December 2013 and officially launched in August 2014, from a category of three experts with master’s degrees in engineering.

The pool team aimed to provide miners with a mining pool that is easy to use, stable and transparent. This pool is a Full-pay-per-share (FPPS), pay-per-last-N-share (PPLNS) and solo mining pool.

It has many mining algorithms including SHA-256, Ethash, X11, Equihash, Neoscrpt, Skein, Qubit, Lyra 2REv2, Equihah-144_5, CryptonightR.

Miners can rent this hash rate by connecting to the pool and get paid for the shares in any coin they choose.

The Prohashing mining pools have many features these are.

1. Earn any coin: Prohashing enables users to receive a daily payout in hundreds of coins and tokens, including non-minable coin example NEM, EOS and CARDANO. Users can also connect their coin base account for the automatic bank transfer in their local currency.

2. Transparency: This platform provides users with all data charts and daily profit reports.

3. Maximize earning: The platform allows users to mine its exclusive Proswitching algorithm for easy continuous earning or by choosing the coin they like to mine. Prohashing mining pool mines the most efficient and profitable coin to increase profitability.

4. Portfolio targeting: With this pool, users can maintain a portfolio of cryptocurrencies and get paid with coins when they are inexpensive, and preferred coins that can’t be mined.

5. Quick connect: Prohashing enables users to use their configurator tools for setup information, to help them get settings right and connect immediately.

6. Live and historic data: With their live and historic data you can track live data including earning, hash rates, electricity cost and algorithms. They also have a customized alert for your account and miners.

7. Solo mining: With this solo mining, users can click their luck by Solo mining any of the 300 coins, and get the reward when they find a block by setting up a notification when you hit it big.

8. Proudly American: This platform is controlled by some of the world’s strictest and transparent regulations.

9. Live updates: Prohashing mining pool provides all live updates directly from their mining servers. These updates include profit information, miner’s status in real-time and customer dashboards.

10. Customers support: Prohashing provides fast and reliable customer service every 24 hours.

11. Giving back: The platform supports charitable causes in the formation of charity mining, therefore users can choose which charities to support.

12. Payout in multiple coins: Users can earn multiple coins by configuring their payout proportions.

13. Daily payout with no fee and get payouts faster by managing your payout thresholds.



  • The platform support multiple coins and payout in all supported coins, and also with non-minable coin.

  • It enables miners to monitor their workers.

  • Portfolio management.

  • Daily withdrawal with no fee.

  • Diverse and reliable mining.

  • Support PPLNS, FPPS and Solo mode of payment. 


  • The platform is declared unreliable on different websites.

  • Expensive mining equipment. 

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Faithful Anichukwu 3 months ago "Hello Guys"

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